Heimkehr ins Glück 1933


After a burn-out Karl spends time in his home region, the Black Forest. His car gets lost and is picked up by penniless magician Amadori who enjoys posing as wealthy entrepreneur Karl while Karl reunites with the love of his youth...

Tous les titres
  • DE: Heimkehr ins Glück Heimkehr ins Glück
  • CS: Návrat k stésti Návrat k stésti
  • DK: Hans nye Kærlighed Hans nye Kærlighed
  • DE: Heimkehr ins Glück Heimkehr ins Glück
  • HU: Boldogság útja Boldogság útja
  • IT: Ritorno alla felicità Ritorno alla felicità
  • US: O' Schwarzwald, O' Heimat O' Schwarzwald, O' Heimat
Date de sortie 14 Sep 1933
Lien IMDb
