Les sorcières des Caraïbes 2005

Drama Fantasy Horror

A troubled young girl travels to an island in the Carribean for therapy after a recurring dream about the island disrupts her sleep. While there, she meets a host of other troubled teenagers, who may well be more than what they seem...

Tous les titres
  • US: Witches of the Caribbean Witches of the Caribbean
  • AR: Las brujas del mar Las brujas del mar
  • GR: Oi magisses tis Karaivikis Oi magisses tis Karaivikis
  • IT: Il potere del male Il potere del male
  • MX: La leyenda de la bruja del mar La leyenda de la bruja del mar
  • RO: Vrajitoarele din Caraibe Vrajitoarele din Caraibe
  • RS: Vestice sa Kariba Vestice sa Kariba
Date de sortie 10 Dec 2005
Lien IMDb
